The impact of hybrid model science practicum based on IoT and VR on prospective science teacher students' creative thinking skills
This study aims to determine the impact of the IoT and VR-based hybrid model science practicum on prospective science teacher students’ creative thinking skills. In addition, the study introduces how to implement IoT and VR-based hybrid models in science learning. The approach used in this research is quantitative, with an experimental method of one-group pretest-posttest design. The sample consists of 43 prospective science teachers at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta who were determined by purposive sampling technique. The instruments used include creative thinking tests and observation sheets to implement hybrid model science practicum learning. The quality of the instrument was analyzed with Content Validity Ratio, Fleiss Kappa, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and Rasch Model. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, paired sample t-tests, and effect size. The result showed that descriptive statistic is a general distribution, paired sample t-test p<0,001, and an effect size of 4.15. The finding showed that there was a significant positive effect on creative thinking skills. The implementation of this science practicum provides a meaningful academic experience for students. The practical implications of this research are that the IoT and VR-based hybrid model science practicum could be used by a prospective science teacher on other topics. Besides that, prospective science teachers' students’ creative thinking skills could be increased.

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